Key Publications

Correlative Microscopy and Biomechanics In-Situ


Gao L, Kang M, Zhang MJ, Sailani MR, Kuraji R, Martinez A, Ye C, Kamarajan P, Le C, Zhan L, Rangé H, Ho SP, and Kapila YL. Polymicrobial periodontal disease triggers a wide radius of effect and unique virome. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2020 Mar 10;6(1):10. PMID: 32157085 PMCID: PMC7064479 doi: 10.1038/s41522-020-0120-7

Wang B, Kim K, Srirangapatanam S, Ustriyana P, Wheelis SE, Fakra S, Kang M, Rodrigues DC, Ho SP. Mechanoadaptive strain and functional osseointegration of dental implants in rats. Bone. 2020 Apr:115375.

Wang Y, Chen L, Kang M, et al. The Fracture Callus Is Formed by Progenitors of Different Skeletal Origins in a Site-Specific Manner. JBMR Plus. 2019;3(9):e10193. Published 2019 May 4. doi:10.1002/jbm4.10193

Yang L., Kang M., He R., Meng B., Pal A., Chen L., Jheon A.H., & Ho S.P., Micro-anatomical changes and biomolecular expression at the PDL-entheses during experimental tooth-movement, Journal of Periodontal Research, 2018.

Sherer B.A., Chen L., Kang M, Shimotake A.R., Wiener S.V., Chi T., Stoller M.L., & Ho S.P. A (2018) Continuum of Mineralization from Human Renal Pyramid to Stones on Stems, Acta Biomater. 2018; 71, 72-85. 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.01.040

Wiener S.V., Chen L., Shimotake A.R., Kang M., Stoller M.L., & Ho S.P.  Novel insights into renal mineralization and stone formation through advanced imaging modalities, Connective Tissue Research, 2018; 59:sup1, 102-110.

Ho, S.P., Chen L., Allen F.I., Hsi R.S., Shimotake A.R., Wiener S.V., Kang M., Minor A.M., & Stoller M.L. Architecture-Guided Fluid Flow Directs Renal Biomineralization. Scientific reports 2018; 8, no. 1, 14157-14157. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-30717-x

Djomehri SI, Candell S, Case T, Browning A, Marshall GW, Yun W, Lau SH, Webb S, Ho SP. Mineral Density Volume Gradients in Normal and Diseased Human Tissues. PLoS One. 2015; 10(4):e0121611. View in: PubMed 

Du J, Lee JH, Jang AT, et al. Biomechanics and strain mapping in bone as related to immediately-loaded dental implantsJ Biomech. 2015;48(12):3486–3494. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.05.014

Zhang Y, Kim JY, Horst O, Nakano Y, Zhu L, Radlanski RJ, Ho S, Den Besten PK. Fluorosed mouse ameloblasts have increased SATB1 retention and Gaq activity. PLoS One. 2014; 9(8):e103994. View in: PubMed

Grandfield K, Chattah NL, Djomehri S, Eidelmann N, Eichmiller FC, Webb S, Schuck PJ, Nweeia M, Ho SP. The narwhal (Monodon monoceros) cementum-dentin junction: a functionally graded biointerphase. Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2014 Aug; 228(8):754-67. View in: PubMed

Jang AT, Lin JD, Seo Y, Etchin S, Merkle A, Fahey K, Ho SP. In situ compressive loading and correlative noninvasive imaging of the bone-periodontal ligament-tooth fibrous joint. J Vis Exp. 2014; (85). View in: PubMed

Ho SP, Kurylo MP, Grandfield K, Hurng J, Herber RP, Ryder MI, Altoe V, Aloni S, Feng JQ, Webb S, Marshall GW, Curtis D, Andrews JC, Pianetta P. The plastic nature of the human bone-periodontal ligament-tooth fibrous joint. Bone. 2013 Dec; 57(2):455-67.  View in: PubMed

Lin JD, Lee J, Ozcoban H, Schneider GA, Ho SP. Biomechanical adaptation of the bone-periodontal ligament (PDL)-tooth fibrous joint as a consequence of disease. J Biomech. 2014 Jun 27; 47(9):2102-14. View in: PubMed

Lin, J.D. and Özcoban, H. and Greene, J.P. and Jang, A.T. and Djomehri, S.I. and Fahey, K.P. and Hunter, L.L. and Schneider, G.A. and Ho, S.P. . Biomechanics of a bone-periodontal ligament-tooth fibrous joint. Journal of Biomechanics. 2013; (46):443-449. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.11.010

J. Hurng, M. P. Kurylo, G. W. Marshall, S. M. Webb, M. I. Ryder, S. P. Ho. Discontinuities in the human bone-PDL-cementum complex. Biomaterials, 32(29), 7106-7117, 2011. PMID: 21774982; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.06.021 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.06.021

Nguyen Du T, Leho YT, Esser-Kahn AP: A three-dimensional microvascular gas exchange unit for carbon dioxide capture.!divAbs...

S. P. Ho, M. P. Kurylo, T. K. Fong, S. S. Lee, H. D. Wagner, M. I. Ryder, G. W. Marshall, The biomechanical characteristics of the bone-periodontal ligament-cementum complex, Biomaterials, 31(25), 6635-46, 2010. PMID: 20541802; doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.05.024

Ho SP, Yu B, Yun W, Marshall GW, Ryder MI, Marshall SJ, Structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of human and rat cementum and its interface with root dentin, Acta Biomaterilia, 5(2); 707-18, 2009. PMID:18829402; doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2008.08.013

D. Pan et al. SnoN activates p53 directly to regulate aging and tumorigenesis. Aging Cell 2012;11(5):902-911.Pubmed link:

Martinez-Avila O, Wu S, Kim SJ, Cheng Y, Khan F, Samudrala R, Sali A, Horst JA, Habelitz S. Self-Assembly of Filamentous Amelogenin Requires Calcium and Phosphate:From Dimers via Nanoribbons to Fibrils. Biomacromolecules. 2012; 13(11):3494-502. 10.1021/bm300942c

N. Leong, J. Hurng, S. Djomehri et al. Age-Related Adaptation of Bone-PDL-Tooth Complex: Rattus-Norvegicus as a Model. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(4).1. 10.1371/journal.pone.0035980

Denning D, Abu-Rub MT, Zeugolis DI, Habelitz S, Pandit A, Fertala A, Rodriguez BJ. Electromechanical properties of dried tendon and isoelectrically focused collagen hydrogels. Acta Biomater. 2012 Aug; 8(8):3073-9. 10.1016/j.actbio.2012.04.017

Balooch M, Habelitz S, Kinney JH, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW. Mechanical properties of mineralized collagen fibrils as influenced by demineralization. J Struct Biol. 2008 Jun; 162(3):404-10. 10.1016/j.jsb.2008.02.010